The Birth of Hugo | Northern Virginia Natural Birth Photography

Over 5 years ago, Leigh and Inwook invited Steve and I to celebrate their American wedding ceremony (they had done another in Korea where Inwook is from and where they met). They were an incredible couple who overcame distance and language to champion a marriage built on joy and trust. Fortunately, our paths crossed once they moved back to Northern Virginia and I am so happy they did. I love talking with Leigh about life and art. She is an incredibly talented artist with a beautiful soul. So when she told me she was expecting I took a chance and proposed photographing her birth. She enthusiastically accepted my offer. She chose to have a natural delivery and I was in awe of her strength, the support of the her husband, the tenderness of her mother and the wisdom of her midwife. I can’t imagine being allowed into a more intimate time in a person’s life. But I’m so glad I was. Thank you, Leigh and Inwook. Welcome to the world, little Hugo.